Tuna Tunaboylu, born in Antalya, is an artist embarking on an alluring, unprompted odyssey. His artistic vision takes root in the fusion of mind and body that he so fervently strives to embody in his performances and films.
While his training spans across various artistic forms, Tuna has found his calling in performance art. The nexus of his mental and physical being gives rise to an endless exploration of his psyche and physique, exhausting and taxing as it may be. Through this transformation, Tuna has come to recognize his identity both as an artist and a human being.
Tuna's artistic impetus lies in the pursuit of self-expression, audacity, and spontaneity. These ingredients, harnessed with great care, enable him to explore and surpass his limits. For every young artist with a profound passion for the craft, the pathway to growth lies in the tribulations of this kind of transformation. Tuna's artistry has the power to provoke and inspire the inquisitive mind to explore the limits of physical endurance, mental acuity, spiritual wonderment, and, above all, the essence of life.
"The pulse of this world, the ebb and flow of its energy, serves as the foundation for my artistic expression. My art is born of the observations I make and the limits I seek to transcend.
As a performer, I strive to create a space for the audience to engage with their own thoughts and emotions. My aim is to ignite questions that challenge both individual and societal existence, paving the way for a collective dialogue. My performances transcend my own personal perspective and interpretations, taking on new life through each spectator's unique experience.
A painting, sculpture, or video can serve as a conduit between the creator and the viewer. As a performance artist, I seek to forge a direct connection with my audience, igniting a visceral and emotive response.
I see myself as a bridge, a binding force between the audience's innermost selves, their conscious identities, and the ever-shifting landscape of the world around us. "
Tuna Tunaboylu
Education & Residencies
Gerrit Rietveld Academie – VAV (2017-2021)
Artwell Residencies- Amsterdam (2021-2022)
• Dam Traditional 24 exhibition - Istanbul (2016)
•Stage 6 performance event - Amsterdam (2017)
• Stage 7 performance event - Amsterdam (2018)
• Gallery Plan B Amsterdam Contextualism exhibition - Amsterdam(2017)
• Performance Berlin Myfest in Kreutzberrg Bullenwinkel - Berlin(2017)
• Never Neverland What Did You Expect? – Amsterdam (2019)
• Take a Walk on the Wild Side Performance at Stedelijk Museum - Amsterdam (2019)
• Joe For Art Studio Talks - Istanbul (2019)
• Feriye Palace “I Closed My Eyes” Art Talk - Istanbul (2019)
• Bilsart Solo Exhibition - Istanbul (2020)
•Neverneverland Sacred Mystery of Confession - Amsterdam (2021)
•Artwell Residencies Window Openers - Amsterdam (2022)
• W139 Ukrainan Fundraiser, How to Set Your Sign on Fire - Amsterdam (2022)
•Framer Framed Soapbox Journal- Amsterdam (2022)
•ArtContact Boy Vermek - Istanbul (2022)
Film Festivals
•Amsterdam Short Film Festival - Amsterdam (2021)
•SHORT to the Point - Bucharest (2022)
•Indy Film Library Awards - Amsterdam (2022)